Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Windows Phone 8 - Launch built-in apps - LaunchUriAsync

Few functions with LaunchUriAsync method:

http:[URL]To launch web browser and navigate to specific web URL address
mailto:[email-address]To launch email app with To is set to email-address specified
ms-settings-accounts:To open Account Settings app
ms-settings-airplanemode:To launch Airplane Settings app
ms-settings-bluetooth:To launch Bluetooth Settings app
ms-settings-cellular:To open Cellular Settings app
ms-settings-emailandaccounts:To launch Email and Accounts Settings app
ms-settings-location:To display Locations Settings app
ms-settings-lock:To launch Lock Screen Settings app
ms-settings-wifi:To open Wi-Fi Settings app
zune:navigate?appid=[App Id]To navigate to app details page on Windows Phone Store
zune:reviewappTo open review page for calling app on Windows Phone Store
zune:reviewapp?appid=[App Id]To launch reviews page for specified app
zune:search?[search parameter]=[value]To search Windows Phone Store
zune:search?keyword=[search keyword]&contenttype=appTo search Windows Phone apps by keyword
zune:search?publisher=[publisher name]To launch Windows Store and search publishers apps

private async void WhenTappedWifi(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
            Uri uri = new Uri("ms-settings-wifi:");
            await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri);



  1. Nope, there's no real way to perform this with implicit fucntionality. You can just spare the first stream with the Filesink as Mp4 to Isolatedstorage. There's no snare for custom filters.you might need to execute the entire pipeline yourself.windows mobile app // iPhone app maker // mobile app developers
