Friday, July 29, 2011

QTP - Webpage Links

Count links in webpage:

Set oDesc = Description.Create()
oDesc("micclass").Value = "Link"
Links = Browser("version:=internet explorer 8").Page("title:=Google").ChildObjects(oDesc)
Msgbox "Total links: " & Links.Count

Get text in links:
i=1 to Links.Count-1
 Msgbox Links(i).GetROProperty("text")

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Creating a Cluster in Windows Server 2008

Useful links:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Exchange Server 2010 Database Availability Group

Useful links:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Configure Exchange 2007/2010 to send external emails

Here are few easy steps:

1. Open Exchange Management console -> Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport -> Send Connectors tab -> New Send Connector.
2. Enter new send connector Name and select Internet from the intended use dropdown -> Next.
3. Add -> New SMTP Address Space -> put * in the address field -> Ok.
4. Check “use domain name system.." -> Next ->(Add HT Server if required)-> Next -> New -> Finish.
5. Right-click on the newly created send connector -> Properties.
6. Type your domain name in "Specify the FQDN..." -> Ok.

Relay on Exchange 2007 and 2010

SMTP Virtual Server in Exchange 2003 has been replaced by Receive
Connectors in Exchange 2007 and 2010.

1. Open Exchange Management Console -> Server Configuration -> Hub Transport .
2. Right-click each Receive Connector -> Properties and make the corresponding changes in the Permission Groups tab.