I had a little trouble with this, but here is how it worked for me:
Parameter("ProductName") = "The name of Product from Control Panel"
Dim sApp
Set sApp= CreateObject("Shell.Application")
sApp.ControlPanelItem cstr("appwiz.cpl")
'see list here http://www.sqablogs.com/qtp/1105/To+access+control+panel+items.html
set sApp = nothing
Dim i
For i = 0 To Window("Programs and Features").WinListView("WinListView").GetItemsCount-1 Step 1
If Window("Programs and Features").WinListView("WinListView").GetItem(i) = Parameter("ProductName") Then
Window("Programs and Features").WinListView("WinListView").Activate(i)
'Activate Doubleclicks on object
Exit For
End If
Source: http://www.sqablogs.com/qtp/1105/To+access+control+panel+items.html