Tuesday, July 16, 2013

UFT - API Testing save test steps results

In UFT you might need to save the results of a step for further use, or see the results in the generated reports.
Here are some useful options:

1. Write to test Output Properties:
CodeActivity<x>.Output.PropertyName = "string property value";

2. Write to test profile:
CodeActivity<x>.Context.TestProfile.SetVariableValue("variable name","variable value");

3. Write to Output Console:
this.CodeActivity<x>.Context.UserLogger.InfoFormat("some string you want to see");

4. Write to generated Report after Run.
this.CodeActivity<x>.Report("some string you want to see");

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to figure out how I can get the status of a test or the status of a iteration during the runtime of a test. I need to write to a file during the runtime the status (pass/fail) of the test.

    It is possible do have this info?

